iStumbler Loggins Preferences

Logging Preferences

Launch iStumbler > Open the 'iStumbler' Menu > Choose 'Preferences… > Click 'Logging'

iStumbler opens a new log file each time it launches, the Log Prefs displays the log file, the directory used to save logs to and the events which have been enabled for logging.

View Log File in Console

Click the 'Open…' button to view the current log file in

Configure Logging Directory

To select an alternate log directly, click 'Select…' and choose or create a new directory.

Logging Events

The table presents, Event Names for each Plugin, and an 'Log Event' enabled button.

To enable a specific log message, click the triangle next to the plugin name (Wi-Fi for e.g.) and then enable the specific Log Event you want to track.

To enable all log messages for a plugin, click the Log Event button next to the plugin name.

Processing Log Files

When iStumbler first opens a log file, it outputs header lines which describe the location the file was originally opened, and for each enabled log type descriptions are given for the date format and field labels

2014-07-13 22:23:28,Log,/Users/alf/Library/Logs/iStumbler/20140713-2223.log
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,BluetoothScan,ssid,bssid,security,signal,noise,channel,frequency,width
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,LocationUpdate,lat,lon,alt,hdop,vdop,speed,course,name,type
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,LocationTracked,lat,lon,alt,hdop,vdop,speed,course,name,type
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,LocationForgotten,lat,lon,alt,hdop,vdop,speed,course,name,type
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,WiFiConnect,ssid,bssid,security,signal,noise,channel,frequency,width
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,WiFiScan,ssid,bssid,security,signal,noise,channel,frequency,width
2014-07-13 22:23:28,Status,Welcome to iStumbler

By filtering the log files you can create a .csv file, which can then be imported into a spreadsheet for further analysis:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,WiFiScan,ssid,bssid,security,signal,noise,channel,frequency,width
2014-07-13 22:23:36,WiFiScan,masu,dc:fb:02:08:75:80,Open,-32,-96,11,2462,20
2014-07-13 22:23:36,WiFiScan,1677,88:1f:a1:33:55:84,WPA 2,-29,-96,1,2412,20
2014-07-13 22:23:36,WiFiScan,masu,dc:fb:02:08:75:8a,Open,-32,-96,149,5745,40
2014-07-13 22:23:36,WiFiScan,1677,88:1f:a1:33:55:85,WPA 2,-43,-96,36,5180,40
2014-07-13 22:23:36,WiFiScan,HOME-2B88,c4:39:3a:4b:2b:88,WPA 2,-90,-96,1,2412,20

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